- Computational Life Science Consultancy

Hamngatan 10, 234 31 Lomma
phone: +46 73 7080362

Web development

straight from code or using CMS
UI/UX design, front end, back end or full stack



Preclinical research, Laboratory automation, Data analysis, Bioinformatics, Web development, IT support

Team leader, Project manager, Consulting


Master of Science in Biotechnology
PhD in Microbiology/Molecular biology
from Lund University

Examples of services I can provide to your organisation

Data analysis service (bioinformatics, preclinical data, ...)
Web site service (build or maintenance)
Web application service
Web analysis service (web analytics, SEO, UX, UI, content)
Project management (preclinical research, lab automation, screening technologies, ...)

Personal qualities

Creative with good problem solving
and analytical capabilities

Interpersonal qualities

Teamplayer and playmaker

General interests

Science, technology, IT and a good game of Golf or Floorball

This is a One page Website spiced with hover effects. Try some boxes.

New customer service

I can help you move your office to the cloud and collaborate seamless from home

Work from home

Folkhälsomyndigheten recomends you to work at home if possible. Move your office to the cloud and collaborate seamless from home. I have 8 years of experience of setting up IT infrastructure using google cloud.